Musings about music, writing, Portland, my new house, my travels, my family, politics, whatever.....

Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Holly

Here is the birthday girl on her birthday last Tuesday. She and Prema and I had the biggest yummiest slabs of sushi at Holly's favorite place in Sellwood, Saburo. If you missed the story of the rest of her day, go here (and see 38).

This seems like a good time to do one of those gushy birthday posts people do... Because Holly has given me such a huge gift of friendship this year, that's there's really no way to sum it up here. But this week was also our year anniversary of meeting, and we have both been through so much this year. I could most definitely not have done what I did this year without Holly and her wise words and late night conversations (on my couch or via a phone or computer on the other side of the country). And I am so blessed that she has shared her two beautiful crazy girls with me. I wanted to write something longer here, but I've been stuck on it for a few days and mostly I'm just speechless.

So Happy Birthday, Holly. Big, big love.

And I just love this picture, from last Monday at the Rooster Rock beach.


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